Good and sore this morning. My traps, lower back, and hamstrings are all pretty sore, obviously from the deadlifts. Surprisingly neither my lats or chest are sore from the muscle-up progressions. Solid eating today, all paleo except a couple squares of local 80% Cocoa Lake Champlain Chocolate. This is a nice little cheat for me, and has very little sugar and dairy in it. Ordered some sups today, making the switch from whey protein to egg protein. We shall see how that tastes, pretty similar in price and macro-nutrients without the dairy side of things. Ordered a crap load of books the other night, I’ll have a lot of reading to do in regards to nutrition and training. Solid training today, and as I write this at night I’m feeling pretty sore. Rest day tomorrow, going to try and make it to Bikram in the morning though.


Lateral Jumps over 12″ Box: 20, 20, 20

For time:
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
155lb Power Clean
Pull-ups Chest-to-bar
55lb Kettlebell Swing


Workout in general was a little short today, but I’m trying to stick to what I program whether it is too little or too much. Warm-up I did some pull-ups working on the various kips, and practicing chest-to-bar pull-ups as I’d never done them, couldn’t get them with a fluid kip. Worked the jump rope a little as well practicing double-unders. Lateral jumps were good, should have done a couple more sets. Met-con was pretty solid, it was scaled down version of the 3rd workout from the 2009 Northeastern Regionals. The regionals started at 10 and went down. Given my programming, I was supposed to do a 15 minute or less met-con with a strength bias. This was definitely strength bias but was a little short, I think starting at 9 would have been perfect. Makes me feel slow and out of shape though to think the guys at regionals did the workout starting at 10 reps in 10:30. Regardless, the met-con was tough, and my lats were completely destroyed. The power cleans definitely got to be pretty heavy by the end. Pull-ups were tough, swings were cake. Solid day of training. Knee pain is still bad, I’m really going to work on foam rolling twice a day as well as stretching, and yoga once or twice a week. The pain sucks and I’m 23, I don’t need this, hopefully my prescription remedies it. On a completely different note CrossFit is making more headlines, after the mention in the New York Times a few weeks ago which was huge, it makes it into the Wall Street Journal in print and on the internet here. Cheers.

– Jade