Feeling great this morning. Got a solid nights sleep, and woke up early (for me) without my alarm. Worked for a while on my business plan this morning, then class, and hit the gym after that. So far eating has been solid, all paleo today. Surprisingly not very sore from yesterdays workout. After the destruction that Barbara caused me I would have thought there would be some similar feeling this morning. Luckily that was not the case. Back is a little sore but other than that I feel good.


Back Squat: 245×4, 255×4, 265×3

Front Squat: 185×6, 185×6, 185×6

Overhead Squat: 115×8, 125×8, 125×6

Solid workout today, worked the legs hard, and worked on having all sets heavy not just a couple of them. Again last time I did my CF total my back squat max was 285, so I must be a little stronger at this point, goal is to hit 305, I think next week when I do the CF total. Went for the 4th rep on the 265 set but I failed. Front squats were just right weight wise, pushed it hard, could have gone a bit heavier first set, but the second and third set were perfect. Overhead squats also felt pretty good. 115 was a little light, 125 was perfect. Lost my balance on the 7th rep of the last set and dumped the bar so I didn’t get the full 8 reps I was looking for. Those things really do hurt my wrists, hopefully my wrists get stronger from them. Solid work, and my legs are feeling strong. Really felt how worked my hip flexors were when sitting in the car on the way home. Solid workout and looking forward to some clean and jerks tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade