A little tired this morning. Went to the gym right when I woke up. Bummed I missed snagging a C2 rower by a day. It was $300 to, I’ve got to pay more attention to the ole craigslist. Had a good meeting with Bob today to discuss business stuff for the affiliate.


CF Total
Back Squat: 285
Military Press: 135
Deadlift: 365

Total: 785

Training was awful today. I really hope it was just a fluke and it was an off day. All I can say is that I was weak. I was looking to hit 305/145/405. Last time I did the CF total I did 285/140/385. So today one lift stayed the same and 2 went down. I don’t know what the deal was, but I was straight up weak today. In the last month I deadlifted 365×3/275×10 and squated 255×4/265×3 the other day so I don’t know what the deal was today. Again I hope it was just a fluke, and was an off day. I’m going to program in a CF total in a few weeks to see where I’m at again. Rest day tomorrow which apparently I’m in need of judging by my performance today.

– Jade