Feel awesome this morning, even though I had a bad day yesterday and ate a lot of crap because of it. Got some good and bad news yesterday. The bad news is really just that I’ve got some extra work to do now in regards to opening an affiliate. I will post an update about what’s happening tomorrow. Beautiful day today and given my high levels of energy I got a solid workout in this morning. Crazy enough, there is still a tiny bit of soreness in my tris and shoulders. Really can’t believe it, it has been a week.


Strict Ring Dips: 8, 8, 6, 4

4 rounds AQAP:
500m row
100 Single-unders


Given my knees can’t be hit really hard with the weights my upper body is going to be getting a lot of work. Decided to hit the ring dips today as it had been a while. Tough as always. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th set were all to failure. Man I’m weak. I need to get stronger and lose some weight so the bodyweight stuff is easier. Met-con was good. 500m rows felt strong, slowest one was 1:46, did my last one in 1:41. Single-unders were tough. Really need to work on jumping rope. I think my final set was actually the best, getting 60 or so unbroken. First set was pathetic and slow going. Really worked my calves quite a bit. Going to start with working single-unders into my workouts until I really get the hang of them and then starting working on the double-unders. Cheers.

– Jade