Another pretty good day of eating yesterday, although I had a few non-paleo things, I kept the portions very low. I think I need to ween myself back onto paleo instead of just going all out. Had ketchup, whey protein, a few more reese’s minis, caesar dressing, and a little bit of white bread. Feel great and healthy though, and I kept the portions of the above foods pretty low.

12/15/09 Intake
Calories 2336
Fat 126.5 grams 50%
Carbs 113 grams 19%
Protein 183 grams 31%
Fiber 20 grams
Cholesterol 1616mg

My knee felt pretty good this morning, still tender but I could walk around fine and such. Stretched it a bit and again although it was a little tender/bruised it felt pretty good and there wasn’t any decrease in ROM. Decided to hit the gym as I really needed to get something in. Started my new programming today as well, so we shall see how it goes. This will give me a good idea of whether my programming is effective so I know what to implement when I open my gym.

5 rounds for time
Deadlift: 275×7
Push-up: 21


Muscle-up Progression w/full dip: 5, 5, 5,

Left, Right, and Front Planks: 30 seconds each, 3 rounds, no rest

As I started to warm up my knee began to get a bit aggravated. Although it probably wasn’t the smartest thing I still worked out, and now after my workout it is hurting a good bit. The met-con was pretty brutal. Blasted through the first two rounds unbroken in I think 1:35 and then things slowed down quite a bit. This is one of those domains that I don’t think the main WOD works enough, short time, super high-intensity. I was huffing and puffing for a solid 15 minutes after the workout. Afterwards back and traps were really worked, shoulders were feeling a bit tired as well. Muscle-up progressions felt good and strong. Need to start doing them more though so I can get consistent muscle-ups on the rings. Little core work at the end was great and really had me working a bit as my shoulders/arms were pretty toasted at this point and it was 4:30 straight of core work, resting on my elbows with no rest. Great day of training just hope my knee isn’t screwed up. Hopefully going to get in another solid day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade