Feel pretty good this morning, a little sluggish which just comes from my general laziness over the last few days. I’m going to keep the lazy lifestyle up for the rest of the week and then get back to being busy come next week. Not really sore at all this morning, quads have a very minimal bit of soreness in them, but other then that I feel good. Knees are all good to. Today’s training was solely strength work.


Barbell Back Squat: 225×5, 225×5, 225×5, 235×5, 245×5

Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift: 40×5, 40×5, 50×5, 50×5, 60×5

Handstand Push-up: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Weighted Pull-up: 25×5, 30×5, 30×5, 25×5, 25×5

Training was solid today. My first couple sets of squats felt weak but then I really got into them I bumped up the weight and surprisingly felt really good. I barely made the last set though. My previous squat PR was 285×1 so I would think it must be up a little if I’m doing 245×5 and probably 255×5 fresh. Single Leg deads were awesome, and damn tough. Worked the hell out of my hip flexors. Yay, handstand push-ups, I’m getting closer and closer to touching my head to the ground. Last but not least pull-ups felt pretty good. Maybe a little weak, but overall I think they were pretty good sets, all reps slow and controlled, chin over bar. Unfortunately I don’t think I’m going to be able to get a training day in tomorrow, but oh well it’s Christmas. Cheers.

– Jade