Another great day of eating yesterday. I did have one very minimal, but bad cheat. I was craving sugar big time and feeling a little run down at work so I had 4oz of Coca-cola, in addition I had 3 TBSP of Ketchup. Other then that all food was paleo. Feeling a little more tired than normal and I think I might have damaged my insulin sensitivity with those 3 binge days while on break, hence my body is craving carbs a bit for energy. Hopefully this will go away in a few days.

12/1/09 Intake
Calories 2392
Fat 122 grams 45%
Carbs 129 grams 22%
Protein 194.5 grams 33%
Fiber 31 grams
Cholesterol 1596mg

Soreness was pretty much gone this morning. I was still a bit sore in my traps and lat area, but nothing real bad. I will say I was feeling pretty beat this morning when I woke up, and I was kind of dreading my workout because of this feeling. First time doing Angie today so it was good to get a lap in on one of the benchmark WOD’s

“Angie” The given reps for each exercise must be completed before moving to the next exercise.
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats


So workout was pretty rough. My damn hands tore again which was very annoying, have to tape them in a new area now, I hate the damn rubber coated bar at school. Pull-ups were certainly my slow point. Slow enough that I wasn’t working my cardio very much. The pull-ups took me 10:22. I decided to pace myself a little more with the push-ups (i.e. not going to failure right away), which I think was helpful. Sit-ups were surprisingly harder then I expected, probably took a similar amount of time as the push-ups. Squats I was able to do unbroken, so I’m guessing they took around 2 minutes. Pretty happy overall with the workout, and I was worked afterward. The squats were actually the worst I was able to power through all of them, my quads started cramping up when I finished. Looking forward to dominating Fran tomorrow and knocking some more time off the workout from last time. Cheers.

– Jade