Feeling good this morning. No soreness really anywhere. I will say I’m really looking forward to my school break being done. I’ve been staying up late too much, not eating very well as I’m out a lot with friends, and generally just don’t feel that great. Looking forward to getting into a nice healthy, busy schedule.


Tri Set:
Weighted Pull Up: 30×5, 30×5, 30×5, 30×5, 30×5
DB Stiff Leg Deadlift: 30×10, 30×10, 30×10, 30×10, 30×10
Overhead Squat: 75×8, 85×8, 85×8, 95×8, 95×8

DB Turkish Get-up: 55×3, 55×3, 55×5
Toes To Bar: 10, 8, 8

Solid workout. I made sure to go light on the stiff legs as I haven’t done them in a long time and want to be able to walk the rest of the week. Solid Tri-set, and my pull-up was a little stronger across the board compared to last week. Overhead squats felt pretty good, those things are damn hard, 95×8 was really working my shoulders and wrists. On the stiff legs I was bringing the dumbbells all the way to the ground as well. Turkish get-ups were super tough, and my knees really did not like having all that pressure on them directly on the floor. Toes to bar were also very tough, and I was really having trouble holding onto the bar. Solid workout and looking forward to another one tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade