So what do you know another awful day of eating yesterday. I don’t know what is happening to me, I’m really have trouble controlling what I eat. The same thing has started to happen today as well. I’m not even going to go into what I ate yesterday, can just say that it was bad, and I’m pissed at myself for letting myself slide so much. I need to get my head on straight with my nutrition.

12/8/09 Intake
Calories 3304
Fat 152 grams 41%
Carbs 321 grams 39%
Protein 167 grams 20%
Fiber 15 grams
Cholesterol 1620mg

After a good rest day I felt great today despite the lack of sleep. I stayed up pretty late last night, 3AM, to get school work done. It’s crunch time at school right now for the next week or so. Anyway felt great and was pumped to do another big strength day today. Planned on mixing it up, but having deadlifts a cornerstone of the day as the WOD I was supposed to do was deadlift 1,1,1,1,1,1,1. I worked mainly the lower body today and did super sets in a posterior/anterior fashion. Pretty happy with all my lifts. One positive note is that although I haven’t ran or jumped rope at all the tendonitis in my shin area seems to be gone for the time being. We’ll see tomorrow as I have to run.


BB Deadlift: 275×5, 315×5, 315×5, 345×3, 345×2
Pistol Squats: 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
120 seconds rest after each superset

BB Overhead Squats: 75×5, 85×5, 95×5, 105×5, 115×5
DB Single Leg Deadlifts: 35×8, 35×8, 35×8, 35×8, 35×8
90 seconds rest after each super set

Kettlebell Turkish Get-up: 35×3, 44×3, 55×3
60 seconds rest in between sets

Training was great. I felt strong, and worked at a good pace keeping up a good sweat. Was pumped to be able to rep out some legitimate bodyweight pistol squats, only thing I’m not liking is that my knees are hurting a bit right now. My last set of deadlifts should have been 345×3 but I swear the bar was greased up or something, I couldn’t hang onto the damn thing. The strength was certainly there for the pull but the bar was not staying in my hands. Overhead squats were good. This is the first time I’ve done them where I could really concentrate on technique and form. The only other time I had done them was in a met-con and was using way too much weight and hence wasn’t using good form. Another plus to the overhead squats today was that my left hand didn’t go numb like last time in the met-con. I started light and worked my way up. 115×5 was a pretty solid weight for me. I could go a little heavier but it was definitely tough work for me to get those out. I’m going to start working the OH squats into my training more. The single leg deadlifts were great and I really felt my hip flexors getting worked. Last but not least I did some TGU’s for full body work. Haven’t done them in a long time, I felt like I might have been struggling a bit but my body was pretty worked from all the other work I had done. Looking forward to a solid couplet met-con tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade