So sore this morning. Surprisingly my entire upper body feels fine, but my calves and all the surrounding tendons are screaming in pain from the running. Worked on doing POSE running, and this is the first time running in my Nike Free shoes. I may have been a little heavy on the ball of my foot, but regardless I’m sore. Shows the big weakness there though. It does suck though as it is currently pretty painful to walk. Otherwise feel great this morning. Knees are now currently hurting pretty badly. This whole knee thing has been pretty discouraging, and it is putting a damper on my training both physically and mentally. If it continues into next week I’m taking time off from all lower body training.


“Grace” For Time
30 Clean + Jerk 135lb


Strict Pull-up: 10
Calf Raises: 115×25, 25, 25

So I had to change my training around a bit today. “Grace” went pretty well, one not is that I did the clean + jerks as real clean + jerks. I did squat cleans and split jerks, alternating the split every rep. It may have been a little slow, and I might have been able to push a little quicker, but I really focused on form, and all but a few reps felt good. After I had some strength work I wanted to do, but my hands weren’t letting that happen. I had one hand taped up, and the other had no rips so I didn’t tape it. I got on the pull-up bar to do strict pull-ups and my non-taped hand immediately ripped and started bleeding. Damn annoying. That killed all the work I had planned. Decided to do a little calf work to help loosen up the soreness from yesterday. Hoping my knees feel better tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade