Got up early, for me (7), this morning and got to the gym. I have to say I felt so energized and ready to go both before and after the gym. Really felt amazing. Been solid clean eating for a few days now and I feel great. Abs are still sore this morning, same with the hamstrings, everything else feels fine. Looked at another space this morning,  a little big, and a little expensive so I don’t think it is going to work. The original space that I liked the most still looks like our best bet. Solely strength work today, happy with my lifts.


Military Press: 115×5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Weighted Chin-up: 25×5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Weighted Push-up: 45×8, 8, 8

Kettlebell Windmill: 44×5, 5, 5

Solid training today. Used my tips from the level 1 cert. on the military press which I think helped a little bit. Barely squeaked out the last set and the second to last set was pretty tough as well. Good solid weight though, and I’m going to hit the same thing in about a week but go for 120 straight through. Chin-ups were strong, haven’t done them in a long time, and they were really hurting my wrists. Probably could have hit a 30lb weight through all of those. Weighted push-ups were tough, haven’t done these in a long time either, and I definitely think a great alternative to the bench press. Windmills were good, shoulders felt a little weak but otherwise the movement was solid. All around solid workout and I feel great. Cheers.

– Jade