Incredibly sore this morning still. Glutes and the surrounding areas are super sore. Aside from the soreness I felt great this morning. Got a solid nights sleep, and feel healthy. Have eaten strict paleo thus far today. Knees are feeling a little better today as well, despite the squatting I did yesterday when I was training my Dad and his friend. Was good to get a little coaching in yesterday, and next week I’m starting an on-ramp for a few friends so that should be good. Good solid training today, we just got a back extension stand at school so that was nice, wish they had just gotten a GHD though.


Military Press(Push Press): 120×5, 120×5, 115×5, 115×5, 115×4(1)

Weighted Pull-up: 30×5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Hip Extension: 10, 10, 10
Toes-to-bar: 10, 10 10

Pretty happy with my training today. Nice to see myself put up 5lbs more on the military press for a couple of sets. I didn’t expect to get all 5 sets with that weight and I’m definitely happy with what I got. Weighted pull-ups were great, and I barely got the final reps on my last 2 sets. In fact my lats are deeply sore already from those last couple reps because they were very slow, almost static in a couple spots, so there was a lot of time under tension and contraction with a few reps and I think it just blasted my lats. Superset of hip extension and toes-to-bar felt good. Got my lower back screaming pretty good seeing as it is still sore from deads on Wednesday. Rest day tomorrow and then another session Sunday, going to try and hit a met-con on Sunday, probably do some deadlifts as my knees seem to be okay with that right now. Cheers.

– Jade