Feeling great this morning. Had another damn slip up at work with the food. This one should really help me stay off the non-paleo food as I got sick off the stuff. Couldn’t do the workout I originally programmed, but got a solid workout in regardless.


Speed Deadlift: 225×3, 3, 3, 3, 3

3 rounds for time:
100ft 25lb Overhead Walking Lunges
500m Row
10 Ring Dips
400m Run


Solid workout. Speed deadlifts are similar to the speed squats I did a couple of weeks ago. Designed to help develop power. Goal is to rip the bar off the floor as fast as possible. Felt good and strong on those. Met-con was tough. I had to pull over and puke twice. The food I had at work was not digesting to well, and this was 2.5 hours after eating. I’m feeling pretty shitty right now, and it is definitely because of the food. Ring dips slowed me down a lot after the 1st round. Lunges were killing my knees. It may be rest for the knees for a couple of weeks starting tomorrow. Solid workout non the less and it felt good to workout outside. Cheers.

– Jade