Wow, I felt awful today. Long weekend of poor eating and late nights and I feel horrible. My body is currently hating me for eating too much cake and pizza. Need to get back to it as I hate this feeling. Felt good to get a workout in today, and a hard one it was.


HSUP (Plate x Reps): 2×4, 3×5, 5, 5, 5

500m row/4 minute rest: 1:28.9, 1:38.1, 1:43.0

I used 10lb Rogue Hi-temp plates as my spacers for the HSPU’s. Thought I’d be able to get by on 2 plates but it just wasn’t happening, the strength wasn’t there. Did the HSPU’s strict, no kip, and my shoulders felt worked after the 5 sets. Rowing was one of the more miserable things I’ve done in a while. I’m pumped as I hit a 5 second PR on my 500m time, but it was so devastating. I really gave everything I had on the these intervals and they absolutely destroyed me. My goal was 1:30 for the first 500m and I beat that so I was pumped. Rower sure is a great machine. I was nauseous  for about 45 minutes after the workout from the rower. Given how crappy I’ve felt all day I’ve got to be happy getting a PR like that, and getting what I think is a pretty respectable time for 500m. Hopefully feel a little better tomorrow, and get a solid workout in. Cheers.

– Jade