Pain, pain, pain. God my body is hurting. Not that there was an enormous amount of “training” yesterday, but all the work on the movements over and over really put a hurting on me. Another great day of the cert. today. A lot of what was said was nothing new, I’ve watched a ton of videos on the journal, and many of them were identical to what was said in the cert. Again I was thoroughly impressed with Jon’s coaching when we worked on the snatch. We also got the chance to work on the kipping pull-up and muscle-up. I got 2 consecutive muscle-ups, from a dead hang, no touching the ground or resetting my hands. I think the first one was pretty damn nice, the second was not so as my hand positioning had changed dramatically. As I’m writing this right now my body is really starting to hurt. After sitting in the car for two hours I could barely walk when I got out, and my arms and shoulders are also in some incredible pain. Love it though. Cert. was great, and although a lot of it was not new for me, at least form the lecture standpoint, it was well worth the coaching portion as I’m completely self-taught. Although I think I was doing most stuff right, their were little tweaks that I needed, and the comments and queues from the coached were especially helpful. Thanks to all the great coaches.


AMRAP: 7 minutes
7 Swings 50lb Dumbbell
7 Push-ups

12 rounds

WOD was good and fun. Push-ups were a limiting factor for me and slowed me down. The lat 4-5 sets I had to break up. Swings were easy, was always ready to go on those and immediately picked up the DB as soon as I was done the push-ups. Supposedly someone got 21 rounds, not really sure if I believe that or not, that’s 7 swings and 7 push-ups every 20 seconds. The guy next to me got 16 and he was going pretty much non-stop, I don’t see how another 5 rounds would have been squeaked out. Solid little workout. I’m going to be taking a couple rest days now, as I’ve essentially worked out 6 days in a row now. Cheers.

– Jade