Finally felt pretty decent this morning, and I actually got a workout in. Went off the paleo today. Had a superbowl party, about 25 people came over. I had a big chunk of cheese, and it was my roommates birthday so I had a couple bites of birthday cake. The cheese definitely upset my stomach a bit, and gave me a good bit of gas. While I feel better, this head cold is still lingering, hopefully it completely disappears tomorrow. I’ve got my Level 1 cert. this coming weekend and I’d like to be all healthy for it.


Speed Back Squat (50% 1RM) 60 seconds rest: 145×2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

AMRAP in 10 minutes
High Pull 135×3
Push-up x 6
Sit-up x 12

12 Rounds, 9 reps

Workout was awesome. Despite a little bit of my head cold still lingering I felt wicked strong, tons of energy and pushed hard through the workout. Speed back squats were inspired from watching a few of Louie Simmons videos that have been on the CF journal over the last few weeks. Speed back squat is just doing a normal squat on the concentric or down movement, stopping at the bottom, and then on the eccentric or up movement driving up as fast as possible. While these weren’t difficult at all, I think mixing them into my training for a variety of exercises will help with strength increases. Another note with the squats is that I was going extra deep given the light weight, just about hams to glutes. Met-con was solid. Sit-ups were my limiting factor, they slowed me down a good bit. I felt incredibly strong on the high-pulls, granted it was low rep, but 135 felt like nothing. Push-ups felt solid, and I was making sure to use full ROM, going from face to floor all the way to lockout on each rep. Solid, solid training today, looking forward to another good day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade