Still good and sore this morning. Hips flexors are still in some pain as are my quads. Eating has been pretty solid, a couple of little cheats, but sticking to the plan quite well. Will probably be off it this weekend as it’s my birthday and I’ll probably be going out to do stuff. Was really dreading my WOD today, just remembered how awful it was last time and just was not looking forward to doing it, especially given how sore I was. Gonna crank out another solid one tomorrow.


AQAP (as quick as possible) Row 5k

500m Average 1:49.8

So pretty pumped on my workout. My goal was to hit 18:20 which would be a PR, my last 5k row, which was my first, I rowed 18:36. This was absolutely devastating especially given how sore I was. I did 1k to warm up and my hams and glutes were already feeling worked from that so I was thinking I was going to be in trouble. The 5k row is definitely a big mental game, watching those meters tick by, and dealing with general consistent pain for a long period of time. I think the worst part of the row was just how much the rower hurts my ass. I definitely had to pay a lot of attention to my rowing though, if I zoned out at all I’d start to slow. I was definitely gassed by the end, I tried to hammer it the lat 250m and I think I could only get down to a 1:44 500m time, so I was definitely worked. Solid WOD, and super happy to meet and beat my goal, and PR by 19 seconds. I’d like to get down under 18:00, which would require a 1:48 500m average. I’ll hit this up in a couple months to see where I’m at. Cheers.

– Jade