Pretty sore this morning. Hip flexors are really feeling it, but other than that not much. Knees are really hurting. Did some more research on what I believe to be my knee problem and I have some more stuff that I’m going to work on to see if it helps. Med balls showed up today. They sure are nice, would have been nice to buy a couple of heavier ones, but I bought them really to train less conditioned people so they should work great. I got the 8lb ones, they are Dynamax balls and definitely a nice piece of equipment. Training today was tough. I took a WOD from SLC CrossFit where my buddy trains. I guess I slayed it pretty well because I did more work than everyone at his gym. Solid workout and I’m sure I’ll be feeling it tomorrow.


AMRAP 15 minutes
200m Run
3 Squat Cleans 135lb
3 Thrusters 135lb
The 3rd squat clean and 1st thruster must be separate movements. You must go back down into a squat when starting the 1st thruster.

9 rounds

So WOD was pretty brutal. First run I took off pretty quick and after that most of the runs were at a snails pace. Felt pretty strong given the lack of squatting lately because of my knee pain. Squat cleans felt fine, I’d done that weight before on those. The thrusters were really tough though, and heavier than I’d ever done. Amazingly to me I was able to do all the thrusters in the workout unbroken. I will say it is nice having bumpers now so I can just drop the weight when I want. Goal was 8 rounds which I hit, and pretty happy with my performance. Finished my 9th run with 14:15 on the clock and was able to bang out the last round of cleans and thrusters with 5 few seconds to spare to complete my 9th round. Solid workout and good to do a met-con with some heavier weights. My legs are already feeling it, and my knees are killing, really hurting, I’m going to be a hurting unit tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade