Thought I’d be more sore today from the heavy deads yesterday but I feel pretty good. Traps and lower back are a little sore. Ate poorly today. Need to get back at it tomorrow. Work is my kryptonite when it comes to food. Managed to sneak in a WOD before work, didn’t think I was going to have time. Looked at a space this morning on Gregory Drive in S. Burlington. Looks promising and is pretty much ready to go. Hoping I can work something out with the realtor/landlord.


5 rounds AQAP
500m Row
15 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95lbs
5 Strict Ring Pull-ups


Wow, WOD was absolute destruction on my back. Would have preferred to do higher reps on the pull-ups and done kipping pull-ups, but I just don’t have that option at the apartment. This workout was all posterior chain, and tons of back. My lats are already pretty damn sore as I write this, and I’m sure they are going to be destroyed come tomorrow morning. Going to try and hit Bikram tomorrow morning. Happy with my rowing, averaged a 1:52 pace. Pulled 1:49 for the first round, didn’t want to go to hard out of the gate, and when I got back on for the second round I could already feel that my back was worked. Pushed hard on the high-pulls, did every set of them unbroken. High-pulls sure are a great movement. I’d like to try and do a similar workout just on my upper anterior chain. Something like burpees, dips, and push presses. Ah, that sounds good, give that a go sometime soon. Solid workout, and happy with my performance, pushed hard mentally. Cheers.

– Jade