Feeling great this morning. Knees feel good, and I feel lean and mean. Worked out immediately upon waking with no food in the belly. Did some foam rolling and stretching first and then hit the weights. It’s 2:00 right now, I’ve been strict paleo thus far today and am going to keep it up for the day to cap off a solid week of no cheats except for a little salad dressing.


10, 9, 8…3, 2, 1
135lb Power Clean


Overhead Squat: 45×8, 8, 8

Workout was awesome, felt great, and pushed hard. Warmed up with the jump rope. I’m going to make a point of learning double-unders. Today was more or less a failure, all attempts were comprised of 2-3 reps, except for one attempt where I somehow got 15. Need to learn how to repeat that. Met-con was great, damn tough. Power clean weight was just right I got through the first couple set unbroken, then 8, 7, 6 needed a little rest between some reps, and the remaining 5 and down were all unbroken. Burpees were brutal as usual. Happy with my time, although I don’t have anything to compare it to, and felt good and strong. Overhead squat skill work felt amazing, no knee pain whatsoever, good active shoulders and solid depth. Looks like I’m going to be coaching a little group training session tomorrow, should be fun, going to have to think about what I’m going to do tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade