Nutrition was awful yesterday. My main problem has become work, we get busy and I can’t take the time to make food so I end up eating whatever is around. This was the case yesterday. I had two slices of pizza and a huge chocolate chip cookie. I’m going to try and remedy this problem my cooking meals and bringing them to work so I have something ready to go. One thing that I was amazed with was that I woke up this morning with a legitimate hangover from the food. Kind of scary. Another thing I noticed this morning was that I had pretty bad gas which I would imagine was from the dairy.

11/19/09 Intake
Calories 2885
Fat 113.5 grams
Carbs 266 grams
Protein 204 grams
Fiber 27 grams
Cholesterol 983mg

Training rocked today.

Warm Up:
3 rounds
5 45lb Deadlifts
5 Pull-ups
5 45lb Overhead Squats
5 Push-ups
5 12lb Med. Ball Clean + Squat
5 Sit-ups


Cindy AMRAP 20 minutes
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

20 rounds completed

So training was super intense today. I was pumped on making 20 rounds of Cindy for the first time ever doing the workout. Surprisingly the push-ups were my biggest problem, I was able to do all the sets of pull-ups and squats unbroken but this was not the case for the push-ups. The workout was definitely pretty brutal. A note because of the weather I did Cindy today although it was scheduled for tomorrow, and the 5k that was scheduled for today will be a mountain bike ride tomorrow.

Working on the double-unders today was awful. I don’t think I got a set over 5 and my shins/calfs were hurting really badly. I finally picked up a foam roller today so I’m going to begin using that to work whatever it is out of my legs. Looking forward to a solid mountain bike ride tomorrow.

– Jade