Many of you know Mike, and some of you don’t. Regardless he’s been a great athlete and individual to have in the gym, and while we are sad to see him go, we all wish him the best of luck. He left the below note for us, and it makes me feel lucky to have such an amazing group of people here at Champlain Valley CrossFit.

Jade, for the website if you feel inclined to post it:

To the fire breathing CVCF community,

First off, I want to thank everyone at CVCF for making that place what it is. I have been to several CF boxes and CVCF is definitely the greatest community I have experienced. I dropped in the first couple times while my life was in crazy transition after hurricane Irene. I remember how welcoming everyone was and how much my stress level dropped when I was there. A short while later I was fortunate enough to move to Williston and enjoy becoming a full time member of the community. I instantly felt at home and realized a level of camaraderie I haven’t seen since my military days. 

My departure from VT is bittersweet. Mainly because I thoroughly enjoy the community you all have developed here at Champlain Valley and I’d love to remain a part of it. On top of that, I think I have hit a PR on almost every lift since being here. And besides Jade’s strange obsession with those f***n evil double unders, the coaches, athletes and programming have brought me to a new level in CrossFit. If I went to my death bed tomorrow my only regret would be that I could not do just one more killer WOD with people cheering me on!

I wish everyone the very best and DEFINITELY plan on coming back for some visits. Keep moving forward… You all will be sorely missed.

“You can never quit. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” – Ted Turner

Semper Fidelis
Mike Muise – “262”