Ate mostly Paleo yesterday, my non-paleo food was 2 TBSP of Organic Ketchup, and 2 scoops of ON Whey. The rest of the food was great throughout the day, and I really don’t consider those two items to be very bad.

11/22/09 Intake
Calories 2425
Fat 102 grams
Carbs 159 grams
Protein 214
Fiber 30 grams
Cholesterol 1068mg

Warm Up:
3 rounds
45lb Barbell Deadlift
5 Pull-ups
45lb Overhead Squat
5 Push-ups
5 12lb Medicine Ball Clean + Squat
5 Sit-ups

Clean + Jerk Singles
135, 155, 185(F), 185(F), 185(F), 155, 155, 155, 155, 155

Additional Work:
Ring Dips 5, 5, 5
One Leg Calf Raises 5×40, 5×40, 5×40, 8, 8, 8

So training was pretty bad today. My legs were a little sore still, but I don’t think that had too much to do with my poor clean + jerks. After hitting 190 last week I wanted to get 195 today. I started with 135 and worked my way up. I failed at 185 all three times which really aggravated me. After failing the 3rd time I decided to stick to a lighter weight and just bust out straight sets. My form is definitely getting better, and the clean portion of my lift is getting much better. Ring dips were good, but definitely hard, I need to work on them a lot more so that I can get proficient in muscle-ups on the rings. Looking forward to a better workout tomorrow.

– Jade