So first off I have to give a huge apology for getting so far behind on the Paleo Challenge that started in SEPTEMBER. It ended the beginning of October and I’m just now getting around to getting everything together. In addition somehow I lost the Paleo pictures that everyone took before and after. I’m bummed, but I’m probably hearing a big sigh of relief from all of you that your photos don’t have to go up. It seems only a handful of folks filled out all their data and followed through to the end. Regardless we had some great efforts, and some huge improvements. We will be doing a 60 day Paleo Challenge starting January 2nd. I hope a ton of you hop on board. I will be putting someone else in charge of the score keeping and final tallying so I promise it won’t be a 2 month wait for the results. With that…

In 1st was Austin who in 30 days lost a staggering 19lbs
Kathy in 2nd
and Matt in 3rd
– Jade