So one week is down of our 12 week Squat Program, and 1 week of the extra competitors programming is  down as well. Things went pretty smoothly this week, and while a lot of people had general questions and concerns I think we got everything cleared up. With that said a few things that need to be addressed.

1) Whether you’ve been at Champlain Valley CrossFit for 1 week or a year plus, absolutely nothing has changed in regards to what we do. We’ve had a handful of people concerned if they are at the right place. This is the right place for each and everyone of you, and it absolutely crucial that none of you feel obligated to do the extra work that is programmed. Classes are still an hour long and run on the same premise that we have since Day 1 of being open, we are now just trying to afford the opportunity of some competition specific work for those that are interested in taking CrossFit from fitness program to Sport. Again if anyone has any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.

2) If you haven’t already figured it out we are following a 12 week Squat Program, if you haven’t downloaded it already, find it below.

3) The extra work is on your own, and most of our classes seem to be spaced so that there haven’t been any conflicts, aside from the 5:30-6:30 PM class. If you are doing extra work and there is a class going on please do the work in the back room or outside, with that said please be aware of our schedule and when the back room is used for other classes.

4) Some Saturday’s there will be completely different programming for those that are following the Competitors Programming. If you guys want to do this stuff, you’re only option to do so will be at 8:00 AM in the back room and it must be clean and clear by 9:00 AM for the Kids class. This Saturday was a bit of an exception as the workout was entirely outside and the kids were working out with their parents. If you show up to the 9:15 AM class you won’t have the option to do the competitors work. As fall comes up on us and things cool down we may look to have a Competitors session at 10:30 AM. For those coming Saturday’s to do the Competitors work I encourage you to show up early to get the ball rolling, we will be at the gym by 7:30 AM on Saturday’s.

5) I wouldn’t expect anything else, but if you’re using the back room, please, just as you all normally do pick up after yourselves. There was a good bit of stuff left back there this Saturday.

6) Again as far as I can tell this week went smoothly, and I’m so psyched to see how many people hopped in on the extra work. If you all could keep doing what you’re doing we should have no problem continuing to do it.

Lastly just a few hints for programming for the coming weeks. As I already explained in an earlier post and e-mail, we are doing a 12 week Squat Cycle and within that we will have 3, 4 week cycles of other work. For the remainder of this first cycle, the next 3 weeks, you will see the Squat Program on Monday’s and Friday, any other strength work will be geared towards the arms/shoulders/overhead, with the met-cons having an emphasis on Olympic work. So if you’re shoulders feel wrecked there is a reason for that. Hope to see lots of you Monday. Cheers.

– Jade