All I have to say is that I feel awful. The last 3 days have been brutal and took a toll on my body. The grandparents and aunt made food that just doesn’t fit into the Paleo lifestyle, and since this was the case I decided to go all or nothing. No training and a lot of poor nutrition choices, no booze though. I legitimately feel ill from following a lifestyle for a few days that used to be the norm for me. I just went and worked out which made things worse, but hopefully my body is just sweating out the deathly toxic junk. Really need to get back on the wagon, feel sick, weak, and look noticeably disheveled, all from food.

Training today was decent. I did feel weak but I worked on keeping a positive attitude in my head and pushed through the workout. I’m picking up on the last set of training days I stopped on, but instead of doing clean and jerks today again I did a large strength workout, and then will hit the daily WOD’s tomorrow and Monday. I worked on my legs today which seem to be a weak point, and worked on different aspects of the muscle-up. I did three different super-sets, the only rest between the two exercises being the transfer from one station to another.

Barbell Back Squat 245×3 245×3 250×3
Ring Dips 5, 5, 5

Barbell Front Squat 185×5 185×5 185×5
Muscle-up with knees resting on floor 5, 5, 5

Alternating Dumbbell Lunges 60×5 60×5 60×5
Ring Pull-ups 5, 5, 5

So the training was OK, but I definitely felt a little weak. Despite the weak feeling I think I still pushed around some decent weights, and my dips actually felt considerably stronger then last week. I was amazed at how worked my grip was from the lunge/pull-up super set. I’m sure I’ll be good and sore tomorrow, but hopefully this toxic waste makes it’s way out of my body so I can have a solid training session tomorrow.

– Jade