Sorry for this being a bit delayed, but I just want to congratulate all of our amazing athletes that competed in the Vermonster this past weekend at Green Mountain CrossFit in Berlin. I can’t say how proud I am to see you all compete but more importantly to be a part of such and amazing group of individuals. We had a huge turnout, and this event continued to show what an amazing and supportive community we have at Champlain Valley CrossFit. I know for many of you competing in CrossFit likely wasn’t a thought in hell a year ago, but you have all committed time in your lives to be healthier, fitter individuals and are all probably happier for it. Competition is an awesome thing, and I think it is extremely important, I feel that without competition, whether it be in the gym, the workplace, or elsewhere life would be pretty dull. I think this likely lit a fire under some your asses to do other competitions and I can only hope all of your amazing feats this weekend encourages others to sign-up and do a competition. Again amazing job this weekend everybody, you should all be proud of yourselves.

– Jade