Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
So as it was 30 days yesterday on Paleo I did binge. A lot. I was at work so it was a perfect opportunity. Throughout my work shift I had 2 slices of pepperoni pizza, 16oz coke, turkey bacon sandwich with cheese, mayo, and veggies, and a big oatmeal raisin cookie. The first group of soda and pizza made my stomach a little upset but other then that I didn’t have any problems. One thing that was interesting was that I did get the mental gratification I once did from these types of food. This is awesome which means my cravings and desire for these kinds of foods are starting to drastically go down.
Training today was good, unfortunately I wasn’t able to do the WOD as prescribed because of my shin splints. My upper body is damn sore. My chest and lats are both sore, legs and abs feel fine though. One thing I need to start working on is getting a good solid warm-up in. I didn’t do one today, but I’m going to read through some of the journal articles and piece them all together to create a warm up.
Warm Up:
1000 meter row
1 mile intervals on the cybex bike with desired rest. I rested 3 minutes between each interval and I had the bike on the highest resistance setting.
2:16, 2:20, 2:18, 2:12
Standing Barbell Military Press
45×5 95×5 105×5 110×5 110×5 105×5
Overall great workout. It was great to mix it up and get on the bike which I think I’m going to start doing more. My legs didn’t feel tired from yesterday’s workout before today’s workout, but when I got on the bike I realized how worked they were. My quads were screaming during the intervals. Strength work was good despite my shoulders being a bit tired from yesterday. Just wanted to focus on getting some good solid sets in. Hopefully next time the CF Total comes around I’ll have another 5lb on my press.
Lastly I’m now keeping track of my intake as best I can and I’m planning on posting my totals for each day. They will be posted the following day of intake. Cheers to a good day of training.
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