I hope everyone is having a fabulous Memorial Day weekend and has gotten the opportunity to get outside and enjoy some of that amazing sun. As we continue the process of hurry up and wait on the Governor to decide what and when is going to happen to businesses in the Fitness industry we’ve got some info below for you. At this point we are looking by the end of this week that almost all businesses will be open or are able to open in some capacity except for those in the Fitness and Spa industries, and a few other unique areas. While this has been becoming increasingly more frustrating, we do respect the desire to really try and squash this issue in Vermont to the best of our abilities, we just hoped there would be some more long-term info and guidance along the way. Per the Governor’s press conference last Friday he stated he was not ready to see Gyms and Spas open yet, but would lay out a timeline for us this coming Friday the 29th. We certainly hope this happens, and we are guessing that we will likely see an opening date of somewhere around June 15th-29th, based on the timelines that have been left between each “turn of the spicket.” Knowing that we could potentially still have 3-5 weeks before we get to open we are starting to make steps to provide other options for you until our actual opening happens. Below will layout some plans, basic guidelines, changes to our business model, and a couple of other notes.

Memorial Day

First up and most importantly Ice Cream! Dani and I will be at the gym floating around and working on projects and would love to see some of you, and we have this special opportunity to grab a treat. Please feel free to swing by, and please abide by general social distancing practices so we don’t have any issues with our ice cream social. Who wants to get chocolate wasted!

Outdoor Classes

We’ve been in discussion with a number of other gyms owners over the past few weeks, and certain businesses are taking steps to host outdoor classes. We held off initially as we were hoping we’d be able to open June 1st, and didn’t want to go half way in, but since it seems like this is not happening we are taking steps to start up outdoor classes to give you guys more options for training and a degree of socialization.

As of Monday, June 1st we will be adding outdoor classes to the schedule on the following Days/Times. These were the times most wanted so we will start with these, and depending on our timeline and demand adjust accordingly.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM, 5:15 PM
  • Saturday – 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM, 10:30 AM

In addition to these classes we will be continuing to run our Zoom Sessions at 7:00 AM and Noon, Monday-Friday. The Power Hour Zoom session will be cancelled after this coming weekend the 30th as we will be at the gym.

For the outdoor sessions, from our survey we sent out, we got info from a number of people who have rented equipment but haven’t really used it and would prefer to return it to help build up the equipment base we will have to use for outdoor classes. So starting this week, and if you’re coming tomorrow to grab some ice cream it would be a great time to return equipment. If that doesn’t work and you have equipment you’re not really using and will be jumping into the outdoor classes, please shoot us an e-mail and arrange a time to bring your equipment back. Those of who you would like to continue to keep your equipment to use at home until we fully open please continue to do so, but if you’re finding it isn’t getting touched it would be great to get it back so we have more options for our outdoor classes.

Setting up the outdoor classes will give us, and you a little jump on understanding and getting into the flow of how classes and training will run going forward. For the outdoor classes we will be following a single programming track, but our goal is to bring back all of the programming tracks once we are able to open fully. From everything we are reading regarding the Covid timelines and businesses, it very much seems like these social restrictions will be the new norm for an extended period of time. What this does means unfortunately is that certain aspects of the gym, and really all businesses, will be changed in varying degrees for likely the next 6-24 months, so this is what we are preparing for, building for, and restructuring our business model and class structures going forward. As we look to start outdoor classes June 1st, expectations, rules, guidelines, whatever you want to call them, are listed below and these will be the model we also bring into the actual gym once it’s open and until we are through this. Please be mindful and aware that you will need to follow and engage in the guidelines below…

  • Limited class/training spaces. For the outdoor classes we will be following the Governor’s guidelines that go into affect June 1st, of no gatherings larger than 25 people. We will be capping these new outdoor classes at 20 people. We believe we can provide the equipment, and already have the space and layout to follow social distancing guidelines as recommended/enacted by the state. This will also be something that will go into affect when we actually open (we don’t know obviously what the number will be but there will be a cap).
  • Sign-up in advance. EVERYONE will need to sign-up for class in advance. You will need to download and use the Push Press App to reserve a spot in class. For the moment with outdoor classes it will be class only, no come in and do what you want. As we look to fully open, we will continue to offer Open Gym slots that you will be able to reserve your own training space to do what you want, but for the moment, anybody who comes in for the outdoor classes will be expected to participate in class (with modifications as needed). We will open class sign-ups 24 hours before the class is set to go.
  • No Shows and Cancellations. We’ve never made people sign-up for classes because we didn’t want to have to enact strict cancellation policies, we know people have busy lives and we generally have had the space to accommodate as many people as needed, but this will no longer be the case. Because we are going to be limited in traffic/attendance we will be imposing a fee ($20) for no show attendance or cancellations within 3 hours. This is likely to be a common theme over the entire course of this timeline where we are restricted in our business. This is something that many gyms and fitness studios already do, and is something that we are going to be forced to do, not out of desire but out of necessity to make sure that every spot we have available is used as there is a high possibility their will be a waiting list for classes at peak times.
  • No congregating before or after class (at least not right in the main training area, if you want to go for a walk after class with someone we have no issues there we just need our designated area cleared out).
  • On time! Again this is something as gym owners that run classes we have never been strict on. We’ve always allowed people to come in the door to class as late as they want as long as they’re being smart and safe, we’ve always rather had you show-up and get something in than nothing. Once again this will not be something we can let slide. Classes will be running on a very strict schedule and we will not have time/ability to bring people into the class who show-up late. I would highly suggest that you just think of the class starting 15 minutes before it actually does and show-up for that time.
  • Class structure will be an “hour.” Going forward, and we will likely see this for the foreseeable future, gym classes/training spaces will be able to be reserved in hour blocks. For classes these hour blocks will be broken up into 10 minutes of self stretch, questions, getting ready, a 45 minute warm-up/strength/met-con class structure which will run on a clock, like we have previously done on Wednesdays, and 5 minutes post class to spray and wipe down your gear, and gather your belongings. Our goal as a whole going forward is to work with 15 minute blocks between classes/training sessions for coaches to sanitize group areas and get items in check for the incoming class.
  • During the outdoor classes we will have the gym Open to use the bathroom. There will be a single bathroom “key” that one person will be able to take and sign-out at a time to use the bathroom. Once we fully open we will make adjustments accordingly based on the guidelines we need to follow.
  • For outdoor classes please park in the front of the building, and walk around to the back so that we can keep the training space as open as possible (the front door will be locked, you’ll need to walk around the building).
  • If you’ve been out of state in the last 14 days you will not be allowed to join classes. We have no real way of checking this, we’re just asking for people to be honest regarding this as these are state guidelines already imposed.
  • We will be taking temperatures at check-in.
  • It goes without saying, but if you’re sick at all, cough, runny nose, etc. you will not be allowed to join either the outdoor classes, and will not be allowed in the gym once we’re back open. If you have some sort of allergy, or chronic condition that has similar symptoms (I have horrible fall allergies for instance) you will need to provide a doctor’s note stating such.
  • While this shouldn’t be an issue for the outdoor classes, as we do look ahead to fully opening, initially athletes will only be able to sign-up for one class/training session per day. We will be putting a system into place once we open to allow people to sign-up for a second training session based on attendance and training space availability.
  • We will NOT be mandating any of you to wear masks unless it is something that is put into place by the state. It’s difficult enough to train hard without a mask on and we know know one really wants to deal with that. If you are concerned about your personal health regarding this than we encourage you to wear a mask or whatever PPE you feel is necessary when you come to the gym.
  • Classes will be subject to cancellation based on weather.
  • Classes will be subject to cancellation based on attendance. We are going to require a minimum of 6 athletes signed-up for a class to make it happen.
  • We will no longer be allowing Drop-ins or Bring-a-Friend. We will also not be taking on any new clients in the immediate future, and will be solely focusing on the membership base we currently have.

In terms of our outdoor classes I think that’s it for the moment. I’m sure there are other items I’m missing and will need to be added, but that’s where we are at for the moment. As we look to move forward to whatever our new normal is, we ask that you please be patient with all of us, and be respectful to both the coaches and community of members in class and follow the guidelines we are putting into place.

Business Structure Changes

As we look ahead to our future as a business it’s very clear that we are going to have to make some changes to our business model. We are part of an affiliate owner forum with over 10,000 other affiliates and are already seeing many changes implemented in gyms that have already been able to open in different states and countries. What we’re also seeing is that going forward we are likely to be more limited in what we are able to do and will likely be prioritizing the items in our life that are truly important and worthwhile. A combination of increased expenses coupled with limited ability to actually do business will make it hard for many businesses to survive on top of the normal ever increasing expenses such a yearly lease rates increases, product costs, etc. We’ve had to think about what makes most sense, what is most fair, and also keeps CVCF in a position of as little financial liability as possible. This means a change to how we do business.

In terms of CrossFit affiliates we have many more payment options than a large portion of the affiliates in business, and even within our own area we are towards the bottom of the pricing options out there, even though we provide the most classes, most space, most coaching experience, and far and above the most invested into equipment and facilities. While I’m not going to break everything possible down, as we look ahead, and we look at changes we may implement I wanted to give you an idea of what the surrounding affiliates cost to attend, as while we’ve had plenty of people tell us we should raise our prices, we’ve also heard plenty of people routinely gripe about the cost of our gym membership.

Here’s what the local CrossFit affiliates look like for pricing for a no commitment monthly Unlimited membership (all info taken from websites)…

  • CrossFit TT – $200 + Sales Tax (No month-to-month offering, there is a 3 month commitment required for this)
  • CrossFit Burlington – $195
  • Mountain Trail CrossFit – $165
  • 802 CrossFit – $165
  • CVCF – $165
  • CrossFit Waterbury – $155
  • Droptine CrossFit – $150

As you can see see, in the Burlington area we are currently at the lowest price point. Since Opening in September of 2010 we have raised our prices one time in early 2013 and have not touched anything sense, despite continual general increased business costs. Our goal moving forward is to continue to hold to those prices, however we are making some large changes to our business structure by simplifying options, and also putting into place 3 phases for the future that we will look to help keep CVCF open and running.

We know all of you want to have a gym open and a place to train, and we of course would like to maintain our jobs. So as we look to the future, knowing you all want the commitment from us to have a place to train, have all the toys, and have the offering of both coached sessions or open gym space to train as you deem fit, we need a commitment from you to be members. Going with the Covid theme we have crafted a 3 Phase plan to help keep CVCF a healthy and viable business moving forward. These phases won’t be goals, but options to help keep us open, however, as of June 1st, Phase 1 will be a permanent change to the gym structure moving forward.

Phase 1

As we look ahead we know everything will be financially tighter for our business, and we are also grappling with the prospect that there could be another forced closure down the road. We don’t want to be in a position where we have any financial liability to our members, and at the same time we will need to be that much tighter and more aware of what our cash flow for our business looks like. For many of you this will make no changes to how your membership works now, but for many it will. Moving forward we will no longer be offering any punch cards and we will no longer be offering 6 or 12 month membership options. We will be only offering monthly memberships going forward.

We have a lot of members who use punch cards but this will no longer be an option. What we see with the punch cards is that we often see pretty large swings in our cash flow and attendance as many people tend to flow in and out seasonly, or life just gets in the way and they don’t show-up for months and then come back. With limited space and financial uncertainty we will no longer be offering these options. You want the gym open, so we’ll need a commitment from you that you’re going to be a member of the gym. We will continue to offer our 2x/3x/unlimited membership options, and will continue to allow people to change them seasonly as needed, but these will be the only options going forward. By doing this we get a commitment from you that you’ll be paying to come to the gym (we’ve never done contracts so that means you can cancel anytime), and we hope this also means you are committing to yourself that “X” days of the week your are going to be prioritizing you health and wellness which we are very clearly seeing plays a huge role in ones ability to battle Covid if they get it.

As stated above we’ll also no longer be offering 6 or 12 months memberships as we don’t want to be in a position if we do go back to a temporary closure or worst case scenario a permanent one where we would be held liable and feel personally responsible to payback a potentially large sum of money.

We will also be adjusting our membership hold/freeze policy to allow up to 4 weeks worth of pauses/freezes per year. We feel in the near future there will be significantly less travel anyway, so we feel this shouldn’t be an issue, but once again, we have had members in the past that have frozen memberships every other month for 1-2 weeks and this will be something we just won’t be able to work into the picture moving forward. Athletes will be able use those 4 weeks however they deem 4 x 1 weeks, 1 x 4 weeks, etc.

Last but not least, and one of the other reasons we will be instituting these changes is that we very well may be looking at a membership cap once we open back up. Depending on how heavily we are limited in our traffic into the gym we will likely have to institute some sort of cap. By moving to monthly memberships only we will have a much easier time forecasting how many memberships/clients we can have based on the available class/training slots we have to sell. What this also means is that if you choose to stop coming for a period of time you may not be guaranteed a spot back in the gym (we will waive this for medical issues).

Moving forward the following will be the membership options…

  • 2 classes/week (sold as 9 classes/month to be used however deemed fit) – $110/month
  • 3 classes/week (sold as 13 classes/month to be used however deemed fit) – $140/month
  • Unlimited Classes – $165/month
  • Full-time Student Membership (unlimited classes) – $125/month
  • 15% Discount for a couple/two people from same household (not roommates, family only)
  • 20% Discount for three or more from the same family
  • 20% Discount for those 65+

Our hope this that we don’t have to move past Phase 1 for our membership structure. A peak day at the gym we see 200 check-ins, with a peak week being around 900. This will be very tough to accommodate moving forward based on the restrictions that have been placed on gyms in many other states. However we are fortunate at CVCF in that we have the largest space in the state in terms of CrossFit affiliates, and my years of being addicted to this website called roguefitness.com has left CVCF with an equipment arsenal that very few can rival. What this does mean, is that we have the ability to design into our facility somewhere around 25, 10 x 10′ spaces that will all have barbells, plates, dumbbells, kettlebells, conditioning machine, pull-up bar, etc. with 6′ separating all spaces and providing ample walkways. The potential is there for us to service the same number of check-ins as we used to, however we won’t be able to service the peak times we typically see with 30-40 people in a class, which does mean we will likely be limited in how many members we can serve, and that’s if we’re able to design and build out the facility to that extent.

Phase 2

From there the adjustments are pretty simple. We will take the above and further simplify, moving to just an unlimited membership option. All athletes grandfathered into older pricing will also be moved to our current pricing. Removal of membership freezes.

Phase 3

We will finally look at adjusting prices, likely moving our Unlimited membership to $185/month which still sets us below the other two major affiliates in the area, and just above the to small affiliates in the Burlington area.

While we know these decisions may not work for everyone, the simple fact is that we are all going to be dealing with many changes in our lives, and many decisions as to where we put our resources and time. We know gyms as whole are extremely important to many peoples lives and well being, and we know CVCF holds a special place in many peoples heart. While we understand that for some people this may not work or you won’t be willing to make the commitment to this, we do hope we will see some of you further commit to your health and fitness by changing to a monthly membership and in doing so further tightening the web and community that is CVCF.

As we make these changes we will of course let all of our existing members with Punch Cards see them out to their current expiration dates as is the same for those on 6 and 12 month memberships. If you have any questions regarding these changes please don’t hesitate to reach out. We understand that some of these changes might mean you’re spending an extra $20-30/month but we hope you’re able to find the value in it, and for the time being hopefully you’ll be able to save that money simply in the decreased gas prices and their affect driving back and forth to the gym.

Thank You

And I think that’s enough writing for this Sunday morning. As we work through this process we can’t thank you all enough who have continued to support us. While we know things won’t be exactly the same, we can’t wait to get back to our facility and community to continue to provide pain, suffering, laughs, gasps, health, and fitness. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Jade + Dani.