Wow, what a scorcher this past week, and it looks like more is coming. We’ve started Monday morning out pretty busy, great to see people still getting in and getting after it. With that said, whether you’re training or not, everyone is sweating a lot more in all aspects of their life right now because of the heat. Make sure you guys are hydrating, and getting electrolytes in either through supplementation to your water, or through food. A few updates below for you guys. Thanks so much for a great first couple of weeks, it has been great having everyone back and seeing people again.

New Class Time

Starting this week we will be making the 8:15 AM slot on Wednesday a Class instead of an Open Gym slot. As always you can still come in and do Open Gym at any of the scheduled class/open gym time slots, but we will be making sure the 8:15 AM is a coached class now as we’re finding the morning to be significantly busier with everyone’s new schedules and there is demand for this time slot. We will be starting with just this class for a couple of weeks, if it consistently fills, then we will look at making the change also on Tuesday and Thursday. If you are someone who has been coming to 7:00 AM and can make 8:15 AM work, I know many would appreciate it as 7:00 AM is currently the most in demand time slot.

Summer Open Gym Policy

We’ve already seen super scant numbers the first few Sunday Open Gym’s, which is not un-common in the summer, but we are far and above at all time lows as so many people are out doing activities outside. Going forward for the summer we will be instituting the following…

  • Minimum of 8 athletes signed-up for Open Gym on Sunday’s until the end of the summer.
  • Sign-up for Open Gym will close Saturday night at midnight.
  • Sunday morning if there are less than 8 sign-ups the session will be cancelled for the day and an e-mail will be sent to anyone who is signed-up to notify them.

As the cooler weather comes in the fall we generally see Open Gym pick-up and will likely not have to institute this policy, but we will be working with this through the Summer.

4th of July Weekend Schedule

As always there will be a modified schedule for the 3rd/4th of July, and given it falls on a weekend, we will be extending that to the 5th as well as we know from 7 years ago we were extremely slow. We wanted to do “Murph” for the 4th, but given we can only run 23 people at once, and we would also like to enjoy the Holiday weekend, we will be adjusting the workout to accommodate as many people as possible. We will be holding a single class and the programming will be designed so we can use all of the mats outside and make room for 63 athletes. Please be aware of the following schedule changes for the Holiday weekend…

  • Friday, July 3rd – Noon will be the last class of the day. There will be NO evening classes.
  • Saturday, July 4th – We will be moving the class in anticipation of continued heat from our normal time to 8:00 AM. There will be one class with 63 spots to sign-up.
  • Sunday, July 5th – The gym will be closed.

That’s it for the moment. If you have any questions about anything please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask. Keep up the great work, and make sure you get your fluids in this week!

Jade + Dani