Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013
* Squat Program Here* **Construction Update Here** ***Potluck Sign-up for Party Here*** WOD: 1) Smolov – Week 1/Day – Back Squat: 3×8 @ 65%, 5 @ 70%, 2×2 @ 75%, 1 @ 80% Warm-up as deemed fit. Upon starting working sets rest 2 minutes between sets. 2) Jerk Complex: 7 x 1 1 Jerk Complex consists of 1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk, and 1 Split Jerk. Rest 2 minutes between sets. 3) 12 minute AMRAP: 30 Double-unders 15 Toes-to-bar 30 Double-unders 15 Handstand Push-ups 4) Handstand Walk Practice: 5-10 minutes Work on any facet of Handstand Walking. 5) Reverse Hyper: 3 x 15 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments
Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competitors: Monday, Sepetember 2nd, 2013
*Squat Program Here* WOD: 1) Smolov – Week 1/Day 1 – Back Squat: 3×8 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 70%, 2×2 @ 75%, 1×1 @ 80% Warm-up as needed. Between working sets rest no more than 2 minutes between sets. All squat should be High Bar Back Squat. 2) “Hotshots 19”- 6 rounds AQAP: 30 Air Squats 19 Power Cleans 135/95 7 Strict Pull-ups 400m Run 3) Reverse Hyper: 4 x 12 Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. For results post weight of each set of Squats, and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. Post Results/Thoughts To Comments
Competitors Programming
As the Champlain Valley CrossFit community continues to grow, and the sport of CrossFit grows with it we have more and more athletes that are interested in the competitive side of CrossFit. I’m super excited to expand on our programming at the gym to give those that are interested in competing a bit more to work on, and help bring their game to the next level. If you’re thinking of expanding your training outside of class there are a few things I would like everyone to think about and to understand. – You don’t have to be a Games level athlete to follow this programming. You don’t have to be any level of athlete really, you just need to be willing to dedicate time to your training and be consistent with what you do. – This programming is based around class, and class is…
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