4 Week Running Clinic/Class
Starting this Tuesday, February 9th, we will be hosting a 4 class (1/week) running class. This class is open to anyone who is looking to improve upon their running and understand more about the technical side of running (yes we know it’s winter, but we have a TrueForm Runner). Anyone is welcome to attend, including non-members. You MUST sign-up ahead of time, if you sign-up and NO SHOW you will be charged a $20 drop-in fee. Details about the class below. Tuesdays at 6:40 pm Class Size – Capped at 8 Athletes Cost – Members (a regular class on your membership), Non-Members $20 Drop-in Fee. Dr. Jason Wolstenholme will be leading this class designed to help you improve efficiency, comfort and speed while reducing the chance of injury. You will learn to identify your specific weak links and fun, new exercises correct them. Format of…
New Programming Block
It’s that time again, rotating into a new block of training. We are all going to see some different things, and a bit of shake-up for many of you. One thing you will notice is that we will now be including some accessory work into class, after your strength work and before your Met-con. Some athletes in the gym are awesome about doing accessory work, while others never do it. By all means it isn’t crucial to being fit, but it can help shore up some weaknesses, and help push you into that next PR. Below is a breakdown of what will be done in class each for each programming track. This will last the next 12 weeks, in addition to our strength work, you will see a slight increase and emphasis on some “Open” style AMRAP’s as we are now just a…
Running Clinic with Jason Wolstenholme
We will be running a little running clinic hosted by Jason Wolstenholme. Details are the following… – The theme is Posture, Running and the TrueForm Machine from Hell. A class to introduce me to the membership and to shed some humor and light on the treadmill that hides in the corner and mysteriously kicks everyone’s asses. I’ll talk about what good running posture is and isn’t, some basic principles of running on the TrueForm and why everyone should be using it and then supervise everyone giving it a try. – Date is Sunday, January 24th @ 11:00 AM After Open Gym – Time Approximately 60-90 minutes – Cost is $5 – Capped attendance at 15 people – Must Sign-up in Advance HERE
2016 Paleo Health and Wellness Challenge
It’s that time of year again, the on where you clean our your cupboards, get the scale out, and get your eating habits and lifestyle straightened out a bit. Every year we run our own little challenge at CVCF, and every year those who truly adhere to the guidelines we give them, work hard, and are consistent, reap amazing rewards. While this ultimately is just a 30 day challenge, the goal is to get you to truly change your lifestyle. There is a reason diets don’t work, because they aren’t long term, we want to see you make and adjustment to your lifestyle, something that you can continue, for weeks, months, and years after you finish this challenge. A detailed explanation of our challenge can be found HERE. With that said, some highlights, the basic need to know is below… – “Sign-up” and…
CVCF Clean-Up Day
We did a Clean-Up Day last fall with huge success, in fact many of you said we should do it every few months you had so much fun. For now we’re keeping it to once a year. Sunday, December 6th we’ll meet at the gym from 9-11ish to do some general clean-up, painting, breakdown and re-greasing of the bars and some other random projects. If you’ve got something you think we should do, let us know. DONUTS will be provided. We could use some extra shop vacs if anyone has one to bring in, other than that just show-up. We had around 100 or so people last year, and we got so much done, it would be awesome and I couldn’t be more thankful if we had another awesome day like that this year.
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