Category: Uncategorized

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Interesting training day today. To start I definitely shouldn’t have done the workout as prescribed. It was a bit heavy, but I pushed through the workout and finished it, just at a slow pace at certain points. Worked on getting a different warm-up in today which I enjoyed, good combination of a bunch of moves. Warm Up:3 rounds of5 45lb Barbell Deadlift5 Pull-ups5 45lb Barbell Overhead Squat5 Push-ups5 12lb Medicine Ball Clean + Squat5 Sit-ups WOD:5 rounds for time of3 95lb Snatches15 95lb Overhead Squats400 Meter row Time 22:17 I replaced the prescribed running with rowing to give my shins a break. Although my shins feel fine at this point I want to give them extra rest to make sure that they really are healed all the way. I’m going to go back to running and jumping rope next week. So the snatches…

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

So as it was 30 days yesterday on Paleo I did binge. A lot. I was at work so it was a perfect opportunity. Throughout my work shift I had 2 slices of pepperoni pizza, 16oz coke, turkey bacon sandwich with cheese, mayo, and veggies, and a big oatmeal raisin cookie. The first group of soda and pizza made my stomach a little upset but other then that I didn’t have any problems. One thing that was interesting was that I did get the mental gratification I once did from these types of food. This is awesome which means my cravings and desire for these kinds of foods are starting to drastically go down. Training today was good, unfortunately I wasn’t able to do the WOD as prescribed because of my shin splints. My upper body is damn sore. My chest and lats…

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

First daily post on the blog portion of the website. I will doing personal training posts until I open an actual Affiliate where I will be doing posts for the gym. Today marks 30 days on Paleo. Was 184 at the start, and I was 180.2 this morning. I’m visibly leaner and I’ve gotten a little stronger. I’ve been solely doing a Paleo diet, not a zone paleo, although I am going to start keeping track of everything I’m taking in to make sure that I am getting enough nutrients. Over these 30 days I’ve had 4 cheats, most of them being dessert based, with one being a pasta and bread based dinner. In addition to that I also have whey protein in my diet, ketchup and occasionally ranch/caesar salad dressing. Other then those three items and my cheats, I’ve had no grains,…