Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012
WOD: 1) 3 Position Squat Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1 1 set consists of 1 Squat Snatch from the High Hang, 1 Squat Snatch from the Knee, and 1 Squat Snatch from the floor. Rest approximately 2 minutes between sets. Explanation of the 3 Positions 2) 5 minute AMRAP:Power Snatch 155/105 Immediately Into3) 5 minute AMRAP:10 Hand Release Push-ups30 Double-unders Immediately Into4) AQAP:800m Run Extra Work: 5) Muscle-up: 10 minute EMOTM This can be bar or ring, whichever you struggle with more. If you can’t do a Muscle-up work some facet of the Muscle-up6) Farmers Walk: 400m Go as heavy as possible and also wear a weight vest.For results post weight for each set of Snatches. For Met-con post total reps of Snatches part 2, Rounds plus Reps for part 3, and time to complete Run part 4, along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post…
Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, October 1st, 2012
WOD: 1) Hatch Cycle – Week 11 – Day 1:Back Squat: 1×5 @ 60%, 1×3 @ 70%, 1×2 @ 80%, 1×2 @ 90%, 1×1 @ 95%, 1×1 @ 103% Front Squat: 1×5 @ 60%, 1×5 @ 70%, 2×5 @ 75% Warm-up appropriately, then upon starting your working sets rest no more than 90 seconds between each set, including the transition from Back Squat to Front Squat. Part 2 of the series 2) 3 rounds for Max Reps: 40 seconds Kettlebell Swings 70/53 20 seconds Rest 40 seconds Kettlebell High-pulls 70/53 20 seconds Rest 40 seconds Kettlebell Taters 70/53 20 seconds Rest The Tater Extra Work: 3) 3 rounds: 30 seconds Bird Dog Left 30 seconds Bird Dog Right 30 seconds Superman 30 seconds Rest 4) Barbell Turkish Get-up: 3 x 3 Go as heavy as possible on these, but not so heavy it takes…
Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, September 29th, 2012
WOD: 1) “Murph”- AQAP:1 mile Run100 Pull-ups200 Push-ups300 Air Squats1 mile Run You may partition the Pull-ups, Push-ups, and Air Squats anyway you like. The typical partition is 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats by 20 rounds, but you may break it up anyway you like. For an Rx’d Leader Board time the workout must be done with a weight vest 20/12.5. A little “Murph” demo For results post time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. Post results/thoughts to comments – Jade
Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, September 28th, 2012
WOD: 1) Hatch Cycle – Week 10 – Day 2:Back Squat: 1×5 @ 60%, 1×5 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 70%, 1×5 @ 75% Front Squat: 1×5 @ 60%, 1×5 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 70% Warm-up appropriately, upon starting your working sets rest no more than 90 seconds between sets, including the transition from Back Squat to Front Squat. This is a 3 part series, I’ll post the rest in the coming week, Chad is one of our Olympians 2) Death By Thruster: 135/95 In this workout you will do 1 Thruster the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the third minute, and so on until you can no longer completed the allotted reps in the minute. The bar starts on the floor, and you may Squat Clean Thruster any reps that come off the floor. We are looking for a bare minimum of…
Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, September 27th, 2012
WOD: 1) Work Your Weakness: EMOTM 15 minutes Pick on strength baring movement. Pick a rep range between 1 and 5. Pick a weight if it is a loaded movement (remember strength doesn’t mean loaded). Perform “x” reps at “x” weight Every-minute-on-the-minute for 15 minutes. This should be a movement you struggle with. Whatever you pick should be done as a set, if it is 5 reps, it should be 5 reps in a row.2) 15 minute AMRAP:1 Rope Climb 15 feet5 Burpees10 Ball Slams 40/302 Rope Climb 15 feet 10 Burpees 20 Ball Slams 40/30 3 Rope Climb 15 feet 15 Burpees 30 Ball Slams 40/30 and so on until 15 minutes is up For results post movement and weight if applicable for Work Your Weakness, and total reps for Met-con along with any scaling used. Post results/thoughts to comments You don’t know…
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