Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Saturday, February 17th, 2018
1) Every 5:00 x 5 sets:
24 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Squat Clean + Jerk 135/95 > 185/135 > 225/155 > 275/185 > 315/205
Scale as needed for desired stimulus. Either perform as if an Open workout i.e. no scaling and get as far as you can, or scale appropriately to get towards the end. You may have someone change your plates for you or setup 5 bars. You may NOT move to the next round until the start of the next 5 minute block…i.e. think of 15.2. If you can finish the workout your score is the time to complete the last round, otherwise your score is total reps.
2) 5 rounds AQAP:
50ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunges 50/35
30 Double-unders
50ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunges 50/35
15 Knees-to-Elbows
Perform the lunges on a 25ft “track,” so you must turn around after 25ft.
3) 3 rounds AQAP:
21 Box Jump Overs 24/20
12 Power Snatch 115/75
3 Rope Climbs 15ft
Scale as needed.
4) 14 minute EMOTM:
Odd – 5-10 Pistol Squats + 5-10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
Even – 100ft Heavy Sandbag Carry
For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
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