* Your First Competition HERE

** 2014 Evening Class Schedule Change HERE

*** New Products/Supplements..A Little Info HERE

**** Tickets are on sale for the Holiday/Winter Party HERE


1) Deficit HSPU: 10 minutes EMOTM

Deficit can be as small as needed, farthest depth should be a full Paralette. Pick a rep count you can maintain for all 10 minutes.

2) 2 Halting Jerks + 1 Jerk: 7 sets

Warm-up as needed. Perform 2 Halting Jerks, pausing for 2 seconds in the bottom, followed by 1 Jerk. All Jerks should be with a Split. Rest 90-12o seconds between sets.

3) 5 rounds for Max Reps:

30 seconds Row For Calories

30 seconds Rest

30 seconds Burpee-to-target

30 seconds Rest

The goal for this workout should not to be to go as hard as possible. Look for consistency, try and deviate your reps as little as possible each round, while obviously trying to maximize what that number is.

4) Dumbbell Bench Press: 15-15-15

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Heavy as possible.

5) Hollow Position: Accumulate 3 minutes

Keep track of total time and attempts to complete.

6) Superman Position: Accumulate 3 minutes

Keep track of total time and attempts to complete.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, etc. for all work completed.

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