*Week 2 Intramural Open Score Submissions HERE…Due Monday @ 8:00 PM

**Fitness Athletes, going forward to the end of the year we’ll be focusing on building some Aerobic Capacity on Tuesday’s with some Mono-Structural conditioning intervals. This is a great opportunity to work on building conditioning capacity, giving your body/joints an easier day, and really learning pacing and what your capacity is on the machines.


Session A:

1) Single Leg Depth Box Jump: 3 sets of 3/side

For quality, not for time.

2a) 0:00 – 3:00 – Every 30 seconds x 6 sets:

Snatch Pull w/Pause @ Top +

Hi-Hang Muscle Snatch +

Snatch Balance

Work light and focus on quality of movement and positions.

2b) 3:00 – 6:00 – Every 30 seconds x 6 sets:

Snatch Pull w/Pause @ Top +

Hi-Hang Power Snatch +

Low Hang Snatch

Again keep loads light and use this as extended warm-up and an opportunity to work on positioning.

2c) 6:00 – 16:00 – Every 1:00 x 10 sets:

Snatch Pull w/Pause @ Top +

Hi-Hang Snatch w/Pause in Catch 

Build loading as deemed fit from Part B. Hold the bottom of the Squat position for a couple of seconds.

2d) 17:00 – 21:00 – 4 minute AMRAP:

20 Double-unders

1 Snatch @ 70-80%

Finish with a little battery work here. Make sure the loading is tough and challenging, but something you can work through for multiple reps.

3a) 3 sets of – 3 minute AMRAP – 1 minute Rest:

4-8 Muscle-ups

20 Wall Balls 20/14

Max Dumbbell Devils Press 50/35

Scale as needed. Get as many Devil’s Press as possible after completing the Gymnastics and Wall Balls. Muscle-up quantity should be something you can perform unbroken. After your 1 minute rest on the 3rd set move immediately to Part B.

3b) Every 45 seconds x 8 sets:

2-6 Unbroken Chest-to-bar Pull-ups +

25ft Unbroken Handstand Walk

Scale as needed.

Session B:

1) Russian Dip + Dip + Hold: 5 sets of 3 + 3 + 30 seconds

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Add load as deemed fit.

2) 12-15-18-21 – AQAP:

Calories Ski Erg

Strict Handstand Push-ups

Scale as needed. Use Open HSPU standard from last year.

3) Prone Dumbbell Bench Rows: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

4) Paralette Shoot Throughs: 8 x :20 ON/:10 OFF

Burn out those shoulders!

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE