As the Champlain Valley CrossFit community continues to grow, and the sport of CrossFit grows with it we have more and more athletes that are interested in the competitive side of CrossFit. I’m super excited to expand on our programming at the gym to give those that are interested in competing a bit more to work on, and help bring their game to the next level. If you’re thinking of expanding your training outside of class there are a few things I would like everyone to think about and to understand.

– You don’t have to be a Games level athlete to follow this programming. You don’t have to be any level of athlete really, you just need to be willing to dedicate time to your training and be consistent with what you do.

– This programming is based around class, and class is the foundation for class. This is first and most important part of the programming, and as an athlete at the gym if you’re not partaking in class and just doing other areas of the programming we will ask you to start taking part in class. Part of the success to our gym and our programming is class. Putting this competitor programming out doesn’t give everybody the right to come and do their own thing.  If you’re in the gym you should be doing what is programmed first and foremost.

– Like any program if you’re going to do this, do it. If you already can’t make class 5 days a week that should be your focus. Programs don’t work followed for a week, then off for two weeks, back for a few days, etc.

– This programming will be high volume, anywhere from 2-4 hours of training a day. There will be different waves, phases, etc. throughout the year, but training volume will be high. With that being said, to handle that you will have to be very diligent about your rest, nutrition, and mobility/body care. You won’t last long hitting things hard if you’re not taking care of yourself.

– I am in the process of expanding our back room space so that it is larger and also so that we have rings and ropes in the back, athletes will be able to do anything in the backroom. With this programming there is going to be often considerably more training than just class, if you want to take part in that extra training, there will be specific times to do so. It will not be a free for all in the main gym, our classes are too busy, if you want to take part in this programming you will need to do it in the back room, out of the way, at any of the following times.

Monday-Friday: 5:45 AM – 10:00 AM, 11:40 AM – 1:20 PM

Monday + Wednesday: 3:45 PM – 6:30 PM

Tuesday: 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Wednesday: 3:45 PM – 6:30 PM

Friday: 4:00 PM – 6:45 PM

Saturday: 8:00AM – 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

It is important that these times are pinpoint, if you’re in the back working on your training, we have other classes coming in and we need the space empty and available.

– Part of what helps push you each as athletes and helps me build and refine programming is feedback. I would like to see everyone who is taking part in this programming post all of their results to the website everyday.

– Last but not least, if you’re in the back room, put your stuff away, pick up after yourself. If the back room is left in shambles I will shut this down. I want to make this work for everyone, and I want to see you all become better athletes, but I don’t want to pick up gear after everyone every night. So please, put your stuff away.

Looking forward to continuing to see you all improve as athletes. Cheers.