As you all know, or at least I think know, myself, Dani, Laura, Kristi, and Mat are all headed out to the CrossFit Games this weekend. Because of this our coaching staff is limited and we’ve had to cancel some classes. I’ve made every effort possible aside from staying home to keep as many classes scheduled, but in the end we did have to cancel some. Please be mindful of the schedule, and please be aware the coaches running classes are all working other full-time jobs so the gym won’t be open all day long. In the morning the gym will be closing promptly at 8:30 AM (7:15 AM on Monday, July 27th), and the gym will be opening back up around 3:45 PM (around 5:00 PM on Thursday July 23rd). I appreciate everyone’s understanding and thank you all for your support leading up to, during, and after the CrossFit Games. Thanks so much.

The Following Classes Will Be Cancelled!!!!

Saturday, July 18th: 9:15 AM CrossFit Kids (Gym will close promptly at NOON)

Monday, July 20th: 9:00 AM, NOON

Tuesday, July 21st: 9:00 AM, NOON, 5:30 PM CF Kids

Wednesday, July 22nd: 9:00 AM, NOON

Thursday, July 23rd: 9:00 AM, NOON, 4:15 PM, 5:30 PM CF Kids

Friday, July 24th: 9:00 AM, NOON

Saturday, July 25th: 9:15 AM CF Kids (Gym will close promptly at NOON)

Monday, July 27th: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, NOON

Tuesday, July 28th: 5:30 PM CF Kids

Again please be mindful that weekday mornings (except for the 27th), the gym will close promptly at 8:30 AM, and should open back up at about 3:45 PM (except for the 23rd).