Happy Friday Everyone!

As many of you undoubtedly know, the Governor has given us the go ahead to open starting June 1st. While we are super excited for this, we will not be opening this coming Monday, mainly because we need to get equipment from all of you. We’re super thankful that we haven’t been placed under any extreme restrictions, which will allow us to have a somewhat normal business, less than other states, and more than others, so we really can’t complain. As we do move forward we first please ask you all to bare with us. Like many of you who have had your jobs re-modeled we have dealt with the same as well as trying to manage the crisis of actually owning a business and being responsible for our own and others income, health, wellness, etc. While I feel like we have managed it reasonably well, this has been by far the most difficult, stressful, and anxiety ridden time of either of our lives as we’ve worked to navigate trying to offer our amazing community as much as we can while battling with the personal and business situations that we’ve had to deal with, while also making plans for worst case scenarios. So we’d please just ask, that once we do open, please give us a minute to get things in order, please be respectful of the policies we have to follow, and be respectful of each other in the gym.

Equipment Return

So looking ahead, we need our equipment back so we can setup to operate our business again. We’ve had a few people ask about continuing to keep equipment because of situations the prevent them from coming back to the gym right away. If you’re in this boat, please reach out to us so we can get an idea of how many of you there are (if it is a high number we will most likely need you all to return equipment and then we will re-distribute what we can after we’re fully setup and know what we have in excess). For those of you who are ready to come back to the gym, we’d ask that you please return your equipment ASAP. The sooner you get stuff back to us the sooner we can get things rolling. We will be planning to open Wednesday, June 3rd, however if equipment does not come back in a timely fashion we will not be able to do so, so please be respectful of the entire gym population and their desires to get back into the gym.

Timeline for returning equipment…

Saturday, May 30th – 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Sunday, May 31st – 9:00 – 11:00 AM

Monday, June 1st – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Tuesday, June 1st – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

We are trying to limit the hours that we have equipment getting returned so that we can get work done outside of those hours. If we leave it too open we’ll be unable to actually get work done as we’ll be tied up chatting and taking in gear. We know you want the place open and so do we, so we would greatly appreciate if you could coming during one of those time slots over the next 4 days. If you can’t make any of those times please reach out to us and we’ll schedule a specific time for you to drop your gear.

Lastly, to reiterate, please don’t make us chase you for the equipment, we have a lot to get setup, and we know you guys want to get back so we would greatly appreciate getting as much of the equipment back over this weekend as possible.

Gym Schedule

Looking to next week we will be cancelling/taking off the schedule all of the initially planned outdoor classes. We will be keeping the 7 AM and Noon Zoom for Monday and Tuesday…these will be bodyweight only, you will need no equipment. Starting Wednesday we are planning to open for our full and normal class schedule (some slight time adjustments) for Open gym only. There will be programming posted, and there will be a coach in the gym to help you as desired, but for our first few days we will not be running set classes, we first want to get an idea of how the flow of people in and out of the gym will work. We will be looking to run our first actual classes on Saturday, the 6th, and then will go to classes as normal starting Monday, June 8th.

We are also working to make sure that we are able to zoom as many of our classes as possible so that you can still follow from home. They will be slightly less personable than the Zoom sessions we’ve been doing, more an opportunity for you to just follow along with the class as the focus will be instructing and working with the athletes in class.

We will have more details for you Monday/Tuesday as we get closer to fully opening, and getting things hammered out. However please be mindful of some keys pieces as we look to open and get things going…

  • You MUST sign-up in advance. If you have not already, please download the Push Press App, if you can’t figure out your login info, shoot us an e-mail and we’ll send you a direct link to re-setup your profile. You will not be allowed to come in and train without signing up ahead of time. 
  • Ability to sign-up for class will go live 24 hours before the class, and will close 1 hour before the class.
  • Cancellations/No Shows. As previously stated, because of limited space, we will have to start imposing a penalty fee for either no-showing or cancelling within 3 hours of the start of the class…this will only hold true for classes that are full. If you no show to a class that is only at 50% capacity, you will not be charged, however, if there is a full class, you will be billed accordingly.
  • 1 sign-up per day. Athletes will have the option to only sign-up for 1 slot per day…with that being said, we will work with athletes in the gym that are looking for additional training time, by offering the option to sign-up for the following session to the one they signed-up for, assuming there is an open slot, and assuming there is a session after the one you’ve just attended. This will be decided in person, at the completion of the session you’ve signed up for. PLEASE don’t sign-up for more than one session, we would rather not have to police this, and our system doesn’t have the ability limit to just one.
  • If you are coming into the gym we are making the assumption that you have not been out of state in 14 days per the State’s guidelines, we’re not going to ask every person, every time they’re in, so please be honest and follow the state guidelines.
  • All people who have punch cards we will extend the expiration dates by 75 days to match the time we were closed. After those run out there will be no more punch card options, only monthly memberships.

That’s it for the moment. If you have questions about anything please feel free to reach out. Please expect a slightly delayed response as we have a ton to figure out and set into place now that we know our specific guidelines and get things together with our staff. Thank you all so much for your continued support, we’re looking forward to getting back to sweating with all of you.

Jade + Dani