As the summer winds to a close, gasp, it happened so quick, students come back for school, and a New Year is just around the corner, we wanted to get a quick notice out before the year ends. Some of the below changes are already in affect for newer athletes at CVCF, but all will go into full effect for all existing and new athletes as of January 1st, 2018. We wanted to give an appropriate heads up for all that this affects.

1) As of this spring we raised the student rate to $125/month for unlimited classes. This is currently in affect and all students who are currently paying our older $100/month rate will be rolled into the $125/month come January 1st. When we raised our prices some 4 years ago, this was the only price point that was not addressed, however it has come time. So, all students currently at the $100 level, please be advised that your membership rate will raised to $125 come January 1st, 2018.

2) We have decided to remove all discounts for any type of employment. After talking with a number of other affiliate owners (many whom are military owned), having athletes try to finagle discounts over the years, and ultimately having a tough time of where to draw the line, we will be removing them permanently as have January 1st, 2018. We believe EVERYONE’s employment at CVCF is important, whether you’re a teacher, ski shop employee, federal employee, small business owner, etc. you are all just important as the next in terms of making our society and community function. Same as for the students, these changes will go into affect as of January 1st, 2018, so if you’re receiving some sort of discount because of employment your rate will change to the standard billing rate as of January 1st, 2018. We will continue to offered discounted rates for paying for 6 or 12 months in advance which any and everyone are applicable for.

3) Finally we are moving our “Senior Citizens” discount to 65. This has been at 60, which we all know isn’t really “Senior” in this day and age, and we are finding almost every one of the athletes in this age group are still fully employed and not retired (what the discount is ultimately intended for, those out of the work force). These changes will also go into affect as well on January 1st, 2018.

After reading through this you may be able to see a little where our direction with pricing has gone. And ultimately that is, if you’re in the work force, i.e not a full-time student and not retired, that you pay the full rate. If you’re fortunate enough to have been able to retire at 60 or earlier, we imagine the $15-$25 monthly price difference the above makes is something that isn’t an issue, especially given the importance a sound fitness and strength + conditioning program plays in your life as you age (they’re might not be anything more important aside from putting good food in your body). And we’ve found most members even at 65 aren’t retired but we will honor the discount regardless of employment status at that age.

We ultimately know that we can’t please everyone. Some may be upset over this, some may not care at all. We’ve had a number of clients actually tell us we should raise our rates across the board recently. We are actually priced towards the bottom of the affiliates in the area (you can pay as much as $50/month more at some of the other affiliates).While we absolutely hope we don’t lose any of you we understand that could be a possibility, and as we look to the future and where our business needs to go and develop, this is something we will have to risk at the moment in order to garner the facilities success down the road. In the end we have the largest, most experienced coaching staff in the area, the largest and the most equipped facility, and routinely funnel more money back into our facility to improve your experience than any other CrossFit Gym in the area.

If you have any specific questions please feel free to ask.

– Jade