For quite some time now myself and Dani constantly get asked about supplements, what to eat, and what do we use. If you haven’t noticed we’ve just recently started carrying a few new products. The choices we’ve made to carry these products come from both the results and quality of the products, as well as the support they show for the CrossFit community as a whole. There is nothing crazy up on this shelf, simple, effective products, that we’ve found work well. We like the way they taste, and they are relatively if not extremely clean products. If you would like to purchase something please don’t hesitate to ask one of the coaches working…and PLEASE, don’t take something and leave a random pile of cash behind the desk. I understand the gym gets hectic and it might be a minute before one of the coaches can assist you, but when that’s done we have no idea about what was sold and our inventory quickly gets skewed.


This is a product we’ve carried for a quite a while now. I’ll be the first one to say this isn’t the “best” protein supplement on the market. When I say that, I can’t really say there is truly a best one, they are all a little different, have different extras added to them, and taste different. What I can say is that a protein supplement is important, many in the gym, regardless of what they are taking have found it to be very beneficial, and in the 30 or so different protein supplements I’ve used, Progenex is by far the best tasting. We know $60/bag can be a lot to fork over, so if you’re interested in trying it before you buy it, I’ve got about a dozen single serves packets that I’m happy to give out if you ask.

Read a little more about Progenex at their website HERE


NUUN tabs are just straight awesome. For those of you who are big sweaters this is important, and especially in the summertime. This is another product we’ve been carrying for a little while now. I know for many it has been extremely helpful to just get them drinking more water. Drop this little baby in your water bottle and it’ll give you a little flavor and some electrolytes. We sell them for $5/tube, I don’t think you can find them in the area for less than $6.50, and I’ve seen them at some Outdoor stores in the area for as much as $7.50/tube. This is likely the cheapest you can get them. We just got a ton of them in, and have almost every flavor.

Read a little more about NUUN Tabs at their website HERE

Kill Cliff-

We’ve had people all the time looking for beverages outside of water at the gym. We decided to start carrying Kill Cliff because they are a huge supporter of the CF Community and that is where they got their start, plus it tastes great. It is advertised as a post workout drink, not for nutritional recovery, but for an anti-inflammatory supplement. After your training your body becomes inflamed, this is designed to help with that. For those of you who are energy drink consumers this is likely a great alternative, it’s got that energy drink taste, but isn’t loaded with caffeine and other crap. We have both flavors and they are $3/can.

Read a little more about Kill Cliff at their website HERE

Fuel For Fire-

Fuel For Fire is a relatively new company that Dani and I were actually able to test a couple of years ago when “prototype” products were coming out. This product was developed by a group at CrossFit New England. While it could be used before or after, it is designed as a pre-workout supplement. I know, because I often hear it and get asked questions, what do I eat before I train. This is especially relevant for those of you who train in the early morning, often on an empty stomach. Fuel For Fire has a balanced amount of both carbohydrate and protein, in a puree form. What this means, is that it digests quickly and easily. What this means for for you is that you can get something in your stomach that will not only help you perform but get you a jump-start on your recovery before you’ve even started training without having to worry about it coming back up. It sits easy in your stomach and tastes great. We have both the flavors that are currently available, they are $3.50/pack.

Read a little more about Fuel For Fire at their website HERE


Last but no least one of our new products are RxBars. These things are awesome, clean, and super healthy. I know we have tons of Lara Bar eaters in the gym. Think about a high tuned Lara Bar. They have a date/fig base like the Lara Bar, but unlike the Lara Bar’s they have a solid amount of protein in them as well. I’ve found these to be great anytime of the day, and they make a healthy, tasty, and nutrient packed snack. We have all 4 flavors and they are $3/bar. Oh, and they are 100% Paleo.

Read a little more about RxBar at their website HERE

I hope you are able to check out some of these great products, and if you have any question about them don’t hesitate to ask Jade or Dani.