We just finished off a block of programming this past week, and then Open also ended last week. What the means, we are jumping into a new block of programming. Often, after certain blocks of programming we take 1-2 weeks to hit a bunch of “random” stuff, but we are going to be jumping right back into another block. While I don’t program our gym for the Open, that doesn’t mean we don’t focus on specific movements and elements throughout the year. As always we are looking to help turn you all into well rounded fit athletes.  The Fitness programming will be more geared towards our foundational movements, improving raw strength, and keeping the skill side of things lower. The Sport programming will continue to embody the wide range of what CrossFit has to offer including most everything there is aside from the high skill gymnastics. Lastly the Competition programming will continue to encompass, well, basically everything.  Rarely is there much of an emphasis on any one particular thing in the Competition programming. I generally believe that you should be focusing on all things, all the time as a CrossFit competitor, with maybe a slight bias towards a certain element depending on your weaknesses. That is of course up to you to figure out, and for now, the Competition programming will be broad and inclusive with a relatively large amount of volume. Everyone will continue training on a 3 Week On, 1 Week Off schedule in terms of Volume. Below is a basic outline of what you can can expect for the coming future, i.e. 12-16 weeks. Have fun.


Monday – Front Squat (Variations), Single Leg Strength, Lower Body Met-con

Tuesday – Posterior Chain Strength Movements + “Grunt” Work + Mixed Met-con

Wednesday – Upper Body Pressing + Mix Upper Body Accessory Work + Mixed Met-con

Thursday – 40 minute EMOTM

Friday – Linear Periodization Deadlift Program + Accessory Work + Mixed Met-con

Saturday – Long Met-con


Monday – Front Squat (Variations) + Single Leg Strength + Lower Body Met-con

Tuesday – Snatch + Clean + Jerk + Mixed Met-con

Wednesday – Upper Body Pressing + Mix Upper Body Accessory Work + Mixed Met-con

Thursday – 40 minute EMOTM

Friday – Snatch + Pull Accessory + Mixed Met-con

Saturday – Long Met-con


Monday – Cleans + Front Squat (Variations) + Single Leg Strength + Lower Body Met-con + Posterior Accessory

Tuesday – Conditioning + Snatch/Overhead Squat + Mixed Met-con + Gymnastics Strength and Conditioning

Wednesday – Jerks + Bench Press + Deadlift + Interval/Battery Work + Aerobic Conditioning + Upper Body Accessory

Thursday – Active Recovery

Friday – Squats + Snatch + Pull Accessory + Mixed Met-con + Posterior Accessory

Saturday – Snatch + Clean and Jerk + Mixed Met-con + Mixed Met-con + Gymnastics Strength and Conditioning