It’s that time again, rotating into a new block of training. We are all going to see some different things, and a bit of shake-up for many of you. One thing you will notice is that we will now be including some accessory work into class, after your strength work and before your Met-con. Some athletes in the gym are awesome about doing accessory work, while others never do it. By all means it isn’t crucial to being fit, but it can help shore up some weaknesses, and help push you into that next PR. Below is a breakdown of what will be done in class each for each programming track. This will last the next 12 weeks, in addition to our strength work, you will see a slight increase and emphasis on some “Open” style AMRAP’s as we are now just a month and a half away from the CrossFit Open, maybe even a couple of retest’s for you 🙂


– Fitness/Sport/Competition – Back and Front Squat + Met-con

We will be adapting the Hatch Program into class again, this time around it’ll be a little different though. We will be working on a timer for the entire class, and the percentages will be put into ranges instead of specific numbers. I know we are not all on the same page on the same day. This will give you all the ability to go heavy when you want to, and if you’re not feeling it you’ll be able to work a bit lighter and not feel like your weak, doing something wrong, etc. because you aren’t hitting your percentages.


– Fitness – EMOTM of Plyometric work, General Accessory Work, and Positioning Drills + Met-con

– Sport – Snatch and Clean + Jerk Singles EMOTM + Met-con

– Competition – Snatch Work + Met-con


– Fitness/Sport – Upper Body Pressing + Couplet EMOTM of Trunk Work and Pressing/Shoulder Accessory Work + Met-con

– Competition – Bench Press Variations + Conditioning


– Fitness/Sport – 40 minute EMOTM

– Competition – Active Recovery


– Fitness/Sport – Deadlifts + Posterior Chain Accessory + Met-con

– Competition – Speed Pulls + Met-con

An important note for the Speed Pulls. These are neat, look fun, are cool, etc. These are programmed only for the competitors partially because of space reasons and partly because capacity/output. You don’t need to be religiously following the competition programming to do these, with that said, even if you are following the comp programming, you shouldn’t be doing these unless you’ve got a 200% + for Males, and 165%+ for Females Deadlift (percentage of your bodyweight). If you’re barely Deadlifting over your bodyweight you have no business doing Speed Pulls and need to just build a basic strength foundation through normal Deadlifting.


Programming will remain as normal.