1) 21 minute EMOTM:

1 – 50m Farmers Carry

2 – 5 High Box Jumps

3 – 5/side Single Leg Hip Thrusts

Warm-up as needed. Work as heavy as possible on the Farmers Carry. We’re going to work this 50m Carry for the next 4 weeks to develop some grip, upper back, and overall carry strength. Box Jump build as high as deemed fit, reset between each rep. Hip Thrusts, no weight, focus on positioning and activation.

2) 12 minute AMRAP:

30 Kettlebell Swings 35/26

15 Calories Ski/Bike/Row

If you didn’t do “Murph yesterday feel free to sub in a 200m Run.

Extra Work:

3) Ring Dip Support: 10 minutes Practice

Work on developing the support position in the Ring Dip.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE