*News at CVCF – Softgoods, Qualifiers and More…HERE


1) 20 minute AMRAP:

400m Sled Drag @ Bodyweight

400m D-Ball Carry

400m Farmers Carry

Remaining Time Easy on Machine of Choice

Yup, you’ve kind of got two Met-cons today. We’ve been doing a ton of dragging and carrying in the Fitness programming the last couple of months, time to put it to a test. Load yourselves appropriately so that each movement is difficult, but not overbearing. If you finish in under 20 minutes have a machine setup and finish your time out at a conversational pace on the machine.

2) 10 minute AMRAP:

21 Abmat Sit-ups

15 Box Jump Overs 24/20

9/side Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press 35/25

Extra Work:

3) Banded Tricep Press Down: 100 Reps

Use a resistance you can perform 40-50 reps to start.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

While I rarely wear sunscreen this is probably one of my favorite speeches. Hope it gives you all a little something important to think about.