*Because we are closed we wanted to make sure you guys still got a workout in at home if you wanted. No equipment required. For the die-hards and competitive athletes, enjoy the downtime and just get some good movement in.


1a) 12 rounds AQAP:

100m Run or 30 Seconds Run In Place

2 V-Ups

3 Tuck Jumps

4 Push Ups

5 Burpees

6 Alternating Lateral Lunges

7 Sumo Squats

8 Alternating Elbow Plank Up Downs

9/side Reverse Lunges

10 Alternating Mountain Climbers

11 Lateral Shoe Hops

12 Jumping Air Squats

Have fun, enjoy some treats!

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE