Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 10 of 12

Micro – Running Emphasis – Week 2 of 4


1) 0:00 – 10:00 – Class Review and Stretch:

  • Review Structure and Flow of Concept Cardio Class (3-4 minutes)

  • Stretch

    • 1 minute/side Couch Stretch

    • 1 minute Table Hold

    • 1 minute Pancake Stretch

    • 1 minute Passive Squat Hold

Concept Cardio class is designed to get you on all 4 machines and work on building more of aerobic/monostructural capacity. If you’re looking to run we encourage you to do so and and opt out of one of the two bikes for a run if you plan to run.

2a) 10:00 – 36:00 – 1 Set on Each Machine:

3 minutes Easy-Moderate

2 minutes Moderate

1 minute Hard

30 seconds Rest

Work for consistent pacing across each respective time domain/effort.

2b) 37:00 – 47:00 – 1 set on Each Machine:

2 minutes Hard

30 seconds Rest

Work to hold your Hard pace from Part A for Part B.

2c) 48:00 – 60:00 – 1 set on Each Machine:

30 seconds Sprint

90 seconds Active Recovery

30 seconds Sprint

30 seconds Rest

Get after it and go hard.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE