*Spring Events at CVCF HERE


1) 0:00 – 22:30 – Every 2:30 x 9 sets:

Station 1 – 15-20 Slam Ball Throw Over Pull-up Bar + 40 Alternating Mountain Climbers

Station 2 – 20 Heavy Dumbbell Box Step-Overs

Station 3 – 20 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows + 1/side Plank Clock

Pick output and efforts you can maintain for all 3 cycles. You should be looking for around 30-45 seconds of rest on each station. Step-Overs you pick the height and weight based on what you want to work on…bigger range of motion and less loading, or less range of motion and more loading.

2) 3 rounds AQAP:

18 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch 25/15

15 Knees-up

12 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press 25/15

9 Strict Pull-ups

Scale as needed. Stimulus for this workout is 6-9 minutes, you should be looking for weights/movements that allow you average paces of 2-3 minutes per round. Scaling should allow all movements to be unbroken for the first round, and then likely seeing break down in the gymnastics, while working to maintain unbroken sets on the Dumbbell.

Extra Work:

3) Tempo (3.1.3) Single Arm Ring Rows: 4 sets of 6/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Focus on tempo first and foremost. Adjust foot placement as needed to hold prescribed tempo.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

What are you waiting for!