1a) 0:00 – 5:00 – 5 minute AMRAP:

5/side Banded Lat Press Downs

5 Scapula Pull-ups

5 Muscle Snatch

Athletes in Move/Power use a PVC pipe for warm-up, athletes in Sport/Comp use a barbell.

1b) 10:00 – 20:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets:

20 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows


20 Alternating Seated Leg Lifts Over Dumbbell

Start with a moderate load and build as deemed fit. For the Leg Lifts position a Dumbbell right by your feet, keeping your hips stacked under your shoulders, hands may be on the floor, use your hip flexors and abs to lift your feet up and over the Dumbbell, and then alternate back the other direction.

1c) 20:00 – 30:00 – Every 1:00 x 10 sets:

Station 1 – 5-8 Strict Pull-ups

Station 2 – 5-8/side Half Turkish Get-ups

Alternate between the two movements each minute. Pick a volume and stick with it. Goal for the Pull-ups should be all sets with the same reps and assistance as needed in unbroken sets…this means if you’re working for 6 reps, you should likely be able to do 10 your first set. Half Get-ups load as deemed fit, perform all reps on 1 side before switching to the other.

1d) 35:00 – 45:00 – AQAP:

50 Knees-up

40/30 Calories Ski/Bike/Row

30 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean + Push Press

Scale as needed.


2) Monostructural Conditioning – C2 Bike:

A – 5-10 minute Easy Warm-up

B – 10 sets of…

30 seconds Moderate

30 seconds Hard

60 seconds 80-90 RPM @ Damper 1

Rest as needed between A and B. No reset during Part B.

3) Secondary Conditioning – Every 1:00 x 30 sets:

Station 1 – 1-2 Pegboards

Station 2 – 18/12 Calories Assault Bike

Station 3 – 3 Thrusters @ 60%>

Pick efforts for stations 1 and 2 that you can maintain for all 10 sets. For Station 3 build loading as deemed fit, or keep it fixed, your choice. Thruster should be done from the floor.

4) Olympic Lifting – Snatch Push Press: 3 Reps Every 1:00 x 10 sets

Work with moderate loading, don’t build to a max set, keep lifts clean and smooth.

5) Gymnastics – Ring Muscle-up Skill Work: 10-15 minutes

6) Skills – Barbell Turkish Get-up: 10-15 minutes Practice

Work to a heavyish rep on each arm.

7) Trunk – Plank Hold w/Dumbbell Pass Through: 3 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Load as heavy as deemed fit.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE